import { CSSProperties } from 'react'; import { Root } from 'react-dom/client'; import { createStore } from 'jotai'; import { Wallet } from '@jup-ag/wallet-adapter'; import { Connection, PublicKey, TransactionError } from '@solana/web3.js'; import { QuoteResponseMeta, SwapResult } from '@jup-ag/react-hook'; import { WalletContextState } from '@jup-ag/wallet-adapter'; import EventEmitter from 'events'; import { PlatformFeeAndAccounts } from '@jup-ag/common'; import { SwapMode } from './enums'; import { PriorityLevel, PriorityMode } from 'src/contexts/PrioritizationFeeContextProvider'; import { SlippageMode } from 'src/contexts/SwapContext'; declare global { interface Window { Jupiter: JupiterTerminal; } } /** The position of the widget */ export type WidgetPosition = 'bottom-left' | 'bottom-right' | 'top-left' | 'top-right'; /** The size of the widget */ export type WidgetSize = 'sm' | 'default'; export interface FormProps { /** Default to `ExactInOrOut`. ExactOut can be used to get an exact output of a token (e.g. for Payments) */ swapMode?: SwapMode; /** Initial amount to swap */ initialAmount?: string; /** When true, user cannot change the amount (e.g. for Payments) */ fixedAmount?: boolean; /** Initial input token to swap */ initialInputMint?: string; /** When true, user cannot change the input token */ fixedInputMint?: boolean; /** Initial output token to swap */ initialOutputMint?: string; /** When true, user cannot change the output token (e.g. to buy your project's token) */ fixedOutputMint?: boolean; /** Initial slippage to swap */ initialSlippageBps?: number; } /** Built in support for these explorers */ export type DEFAULT_EXPLORER = 'Solana Explorer' | 'Solscan' | 'Solana Beach' | 'SolanaFM'; export interface TransactionInstruction { accounts: { pubkey: string; isSigner: boolean; isWritable: boolean; }[]; data: string; programId: string; } export interface IOnRequestIxCallback { meta: { sourceAddress: PublicKey; destinationAddress: PublicKey; quoteResponseMeta: QuoteResponseMeta; }; instructions: { tokenLedgerInstruction: TransactionInstruction; computeBudgetInstructions: ComputeBudgetInstruction; setupInstructions: TransactionInstruction[]; swapInstruction: TransactionInstruction; cleanupInstruction: TransactionInstruction; addressLookupTableAddresses: AddressLookupTableAccount; error: string; }; onSubmitWithIx: (swapResult: SwapResult) => void; } export interface IInit { /** Settings saved in local storage will be prefixed with this * You can reset your user's local storage by changing this value */ localStoragePrefix?: string; /** Solana RPC, declare either endpoint, or Connection object */ /** Solana RPC endpoint */ endpoint?: string; /** Solana RPC Connection object */ connectionObj?: Connection; /** TODO: Update to use the new platform fee and accounts */ platformFeeAndAccounts?: PlatformFeeAndAccounts; /** Configure Terminal's behaviour and allowed actions for your user */ formProps?: FormProps; /** Only allow strict token by [Jupiter Token List API]( */ strictTokenList?: boolean; /** Default explorer for your user */ defaultExplorer?: DEFAULT_EXPLORER; /** Auto connect to wallet on subsequent visits */ autoConnect?: boolean; /** TODO: NOT Supported yet, presets of slippages, defaults to [0.1, 0.5, 1.0] */ slippagePresets?: number[]; /** RPC refetch interval for getTABO in milliseconds, defaults to 10000 */ refetchIntervalForTokenAccounts?: number; /** Use user's slippage instead of initialSlippageBps, defaults to true */ useUserSlippage?: boolean; /** Default Slippage options */ defaultFixedSlippage?: number; defaultDynamicSlippage?: number; defaultSlippageMode?: SlippageMode; /** Default Priority fees */ defaultPriorityFee?: number; defaultPriorityMode?: PriorityMode; defaultPriorityLevel?: PriorityLevel; /** Display & Styling */ /** Display mode */ displayMode?: 'modal' | 'integrated' | 'widget'; /** When displayMode is 'integrated', this is the id of the element to render the integrated widget into */ integratedTargetId?: string; /** When displayMode is 'widget', this is the behaviour and style of the widget */ widgetStyle?: { position?: WidgetPosition; size?: WidgetSize; }; /** In case additional styling is needed for Terminal container */ containerStyles?: CSSProperties; /** In case additional styling is needed for Terminal container */ containerClassName?: string; /** When true, wallet connection are handled by your dApp, and use `syncProps()` to syncronise wallet state with Terminal */ enableWalletPassthrough?: boolean; /** Optional, if wallet state is ready, you can pass it in here, or just use `syncProps()` */ passthroughWalletContextState?: WalletContextState; /** When enableWalletPassthrough is true, this allows Terminal to callback your dApp's wallet connection flow */ onRequestConnectWallet?: () => void | Promise; /** Callbacks */ /** When an error has occured during swap */ onSwapError?: ({ error, quoteResponseMeta, }: { error?: TransactionError; quoteResponseMeta: QuoteResponseMeta | null; }) => void; /** When a swap has been successful */ onSuccess?: ({ txid, swapResult, quoteResponseMeta, }: { txid: string; swapResult: SwapResult; quoteResponseMeta: QuoteResponseMeta | null; }) => void; /** Callback when there's changes to the form */ onFormUpdate?: (form: IForm) => void; /** Callback when there's changes to the screen */ onScreenUpdate?: (screen: IScreen) => void; /** Ask jupiter to quote with a maximum number of accounts, essential for composing with Jupiter Swap instruction */ maxAccounts?: number; /** Request Ix instead of direct swap */ onRequestIxCallback?: (ixAndCb: IOnRequestIxCallback) => Promise; /** Internal resolves */ /** Internal use to resolve domain when loading script */ scriptDomain?: string; } export interface JupiterTerminal { _instance: JSX.Element | null; init: (props: IInit) => void; resume: () => void; close: () => void; root: Root | null; /** Passthrough */ enableWalletPassthrough: boolean; onRequestConnectWallet: IInit['onRequestConnectWallet']; store: ReturnType; syncProps: (props: { passthroughWalletContextState?: IInit['passthroughWalletContextState'] }) => void; /** Callbacks */ onSwapError: IInit['onSwapError']; onSuccess: IInit['onSuccess']; onFormUpdate: IInit['onFormUpdate']; onScreenUpdate: IInit['onScreenUpdate']; /** Request Ix instead of direct swap */ onRequestIxCallback: IInit['onRequestIxCallback']; /** Special props */ localStoragePrefix: string; }